
Ross Stenson

Ross Stenson was admitted to practice as a Barrister on 16 August 1977.  He has practised continuously since that time in virtually all jurisdictions.  In about the year 2000 and as an adjunct to other roles as a Barrister, he established the first Barrister Mediation Chambers in Queensland.

In or about 2014, Ross thought he may try retirement.  BUT….his passion for the practice of the law has been rekindled and Ross has made the move back into chambers in town where he is ready to again take on all aspects of work as a Barrister, including Mediation.

During his career he has acted in some extremely complex cases on both sides of the record.  For instance:

  • He acted for a Plaintiff who had contracted mesothelioma as a result of laundering her late husband’s overalls, covered in asbestos dust when he returned home from work.  This was the first such claim in Australia and is commonly referred to in the Dust jurisdiction as Bale v Seltsam.
  • He appeared for a District Court Judge at the Fitzgerald Inquiry then subsequently successfully for His Honour Judge Pratt in the Judges’ Inquiry.
  • He appeared in the Court of Appeal on behalf of the Nominal Defendant in a case involving recreational vehicles (golf buggies) dealing with whether or not such vehicles require registration and compulsory third party insurance – they do.

As a Mediator, he has mediated disputes in diverse matters ranging from family disputes and personal injury claims, to commercial claims between banks and customers involving millions of dollars. 

Ross is also frequently appointed by the Courts as an Examiner in bedside hearings, taking evidence from dying litigants; or from witnesses who are unable to attend trial, for whatever reason.